高嵩,男,1980年2月生,生物学博士,江苏海洋大学教授,硕士生导师,研究生院副院长,南京林业大学、上海海洋大学兼职博士生导师。以第一作者或通讯作者发表研究论文40余篇,其中包括Nature Communications、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Analytical Chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical、Aquaculture、Food Microbiology等知名SCI期刊论文,并申请发明专利多项。主持国家自然科学基金2项及多项省、市、厅级科研项目。获2018年国家技术发明二等奖,入选江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人和连云港市“521高层次人才培养工程”。获评江苏省高校优秀共产党员、江苏省归侨侨眷先进个人、连云港市“十大最美科技创新之星”和江苏海洋大学优秀研究生导师。
E-Mail: gaos@jou.edu.cn
Analytical Chemistry
Food Control
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Journal of Fish Diseases
[1] Song Gao*, Miao Xu, Bo Guo, Bo Luo, Xiaofu Shao, Yue Wang, Yang Cao, Di Zhang, Xinxin Ban, Lisha Wei, Pei Wang* (2024) Site-directed immobilization of an engineered cytidine deaminase on a magnetic carrier with bacteriophage-aided nanosurface for multiround biocatalysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12, 13438-13451.
[2] Chenjie Zhao, Yixin Tang, Miao Xu, Yue Wang, Bo Luo, Pei Wang*, Song Gao* (2024) A highly sensitive on-site duplex genotyping method dRPG for simultaneous detection of SARS-CoV‑2 key mutations with single nucleotide resolution. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 418, 136238.
[3] Bo Guo, Lihong Yang, Yu Wang, Chenjie Zhao, Xue Zhang, Yixin Tang, Yue Wang, Hui Shen*, Song Gao*, Pei Wang* (2023) Pyrococcus furiosus Argonaute with isothermal amplification for fast and ultra-sensitive diagnosis of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease in shrimp. Aquaculture, 575, 739821.
[4] Wang P., Guo B., Zhang X., Wang Y., Yang G., Shen H., Gao S.*, Zhang L.* (2023) One-pot molecular diagnosis of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease by recombinase polymerase amplification and CRISPR/Cas12a with specially designed crRNA. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71, 6490-6498.
[5] Wang P., Yang L., Guo B., Shang Z., Gao S.*, Zhang X.* (2023) Highly sensitive detection of white spot syndrome virus with an RPA-CRISPR combined one-pot method. Aquaculture, 567, 739296.
[6] Yang L., Guo B., Wang Y., Zhao C., Zhang X., Wang Y., Tang Y., Shen H., Wang P., Gao S.* (2023) Pyrococcus furiosus Argonaute combined with recombinase polymerase amplification for rapid and sensitive detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71, 944-951.
[7] Wang P., Zhang X., Shen H., Lu Q., Li B.*, Liu X.*, Gao S.* (2023) A one-pot RPA-CRISPR detection method for point-of-care testing of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei infection in shrimp. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 374, 132853.
[8] Zhao C., Yang L., Zhang X., Tang Y., Wang Y., Shao X., Gao S.*, Liu X.*, Wang P.* (2022) Rapid and sensitive genotyping of SARS-CoV-2 key mutation L452R with an RPA-PfAgo method. Analytical Chemistry, 94, 17151-17159.
[9] Xu J., Yang Q., Wang P., Wu D., Yang X., Chen W.*, Gao S.*, Wang S.* (2022) Self-assembled β-galactosidase on T4 phage capsid through affinity binding with enhanced activity and stability for rapid bacteria detection. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 359, 131569.
[10] Yang X., Zhao P., Dong Y., Chen S., Shen H., Jiang G., Zhu H., Dong J.*, Gao S.* (2021) An isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow strip combined method for rapid on-site detection of Vibrio vulnificus in raw seafood. Food Microbiology, 98, 103664.
[11] Gao, S., Zhang, L., Rao, V. B. (2016) Exclusion of small terminase mediated DNA threading models for genome packaging in bacteriophage T4. Nucleic Acids Research, 44, 4425-4439.
[12] Sun, L.#, Zhang, X.#, Gao, S.#, Rao, P. A., Padilla-Sanchez, V., Chen, Z., Sun, S., Xiang, Y., Subramaniam, S., Rao, V. B., Rossmann, M. G. (2015) Cryo-EM structure of the bacteriophage T4 portal protein assembly at near-atomic resolution. Nature Communications, 6, 7548.
[13] Sun, S.#, Gao, S.#, Kondabagil, K.#, Xiang, Y., Rossmann, M. G., Rao, V. B. (2012) Structure and function of the small terminase component of the DNA packaging machine in T4-like bacteriophages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109, 817-822.
(1)中国发明专利. 高嵩;马超;廖磊;王佩;张雪;王昱. 一种用于同时检测虾急性肝胰腺坏死症和肝肠孢子虫的多重RPA引物和探针组合物及检测方法.(2023)专利号ZL202110732960.7
(2)中国发明专利. 高嵩;马超;王佩;孙涛;张雪;陈礼战;杨丽红. 一种利用L/RPA快速检测SARS-CoV-2的探针及引物组、试剂盒、检测方法.(2021)专利号ZL202110507195.9
(3)中国发明专利. 高嵩;尹欣;王佩;陈凯;韩挺翰;孙峰;许恒皓. 一种利用甲基化酶的保护高效重组表达限制性内切酶的方法.(2020)专利号ZL201611048568.6
(4)中国发明专利. 高嵩; 陶攀; 许恒皓; 刘伟; 尹欣; 程斌. 使用细胞内同步表达法在T4噬菌体表面展示外源蛋白大分子的方法.(2014)专利号ZL201310033512.3
黄和, 任路静, 纪晓俊, 江凌, 陈可泉, 高嵩. 生物法制备二十二碳六烯酸油脂关键技术及应用. 国家技术发明奖二等奖, 2018.12.12.